CE 304
Instruction 3 (Th) + 2 Drawing
Duration of University Examination 3 Hours
University Examination 75 Marks
Sessional 25 Marks
Planning of building: Relevant building bylaws, site selection for buildings, common errors in planning. Principles to be considered in judging plans, circulation diagrams prop for common areas like corridors, stars, toilets etc. Study and design of small units. Data collection relating to different buildings.
Ventilation in buildings: General principles of ventilation (Natural and artificial). Properties of air, air movements, temperature, humidity and quality of air. Design considerations for comfort.
Acoustics of buildings: Reverberation, determination of absorption coefficient, acoustic intensity, acoustic measurements. Factors affecting the acoustics of buildings. Sound distribution in an auditorium. Sound absorbent materials. Requisites for good acoustics.
Building services: Lifts and Escalators. Communication services (Telephone and intercom facilities) fire protection (its importance, development of fire, reduced spread of fire, fire resistance in structural elements, means of escape). Water supply (Water quality, water treatment, water distribution and plumbing fixtures), power supply systems including preparation of all services drawings.
Green Building Technologies: Introduction- Necessity - Concept of Green building. Principles of green building – Selection of site and Orientation of the building – usage of low energy materials – effective cooling and heating systems – effective electrical systems – effective water conservation systems - Certification systems-GRIHA and LEED – case studies.
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Introduction to AutoCAD 3D: Creating solids box, cylinder, cone, sphere, pyramid, wedge, torus: solid editing commands slice, interfere: Boolean commands union, subtract and intersect: views like conceptual, hidden, realistic shaded, 3D wireframe: orbit: Development of single and two storey building with 3D commands.
Suggested Reading:
1.Arora, S. P and Bindra, S. P, “A Text book on Building construction”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1993.
2.Shahane, V. S, “Planning and Designing Building”, Poona, Allies Book Stall, 3rd Edn.
3.Michael Bauer, Peter Mösle and Michael Schwarz (2010) “Green Building – Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture” Springer.
4.Tom Woolley, Sam Kimmins, Paul Harrison and Rob Harrison (2001)
“Green Building Handbook” Volume I, Spon Press.
5.Mili Majumdar, (2002) “Energy-efficient buildings in India” Tata Energy Research Institute.
6.TERI “Sustainable Building Design Manual- Volume I & II” Tata Energy Research Institute.